Yep, it’s cabin fever season! And so I’m starting a new challenge – an adventure a week.
My four year old daughter drew an adorable valentine card for me with a picture on it of us driving in the car. I asked her what it was a picture of, and she said “You and me going on adventures!” She often talks about how much she loves our “adventures”, and I realized that we haven’t been have enough of those lately. And especially this time of year we are itching to be getting back outside again!
So I told her today we’re going to start going on an adventure every week. Wow, she was thrilled! And I thought it would be fun to share the idea with all of you here. 🙂

I think that in our society, when people think of having special memories-in-the-making time with their kids, it often involves buying gifts, spending money on expensive vacations, or purchases at restaurants … but, unfortunately, while those expensive occasions might make the kids excited at the time, those special bonding moments seem to elude us. Personally, going to an expensive hotel where we all go our separate ways or watch the tv just doesn’t cut it for special family time. I’d rather go hiking in the woods, and see my kids eyes light up as I explain how the spider wove that delicate web. Or visit a museum that encourages life-long learning. Or all sing really loud in the car. Or sit and watch a sunset and talk about how good our God is. These types of activities don’t take much money … but they do take time, lack of distraction and being available to pick up the special moment whenever it may be. And lately I feel like I’ve been too busy with a lot of stuff that just doesn’t matter as much, and missing out on those times.
And so, my challenge. We are going to go on an adventure every week for the next two months!
What constitutes an adventure, you ask? Here are my rules for myself during this challenge:

A few examples of ideas … going geocaching, visiting an art museum, a nature hike to a waterfall, a scavenger hunt, getting a behind-the-scenes tour of a pizzeria, etc.
So, we will begin next week and for the next two months (through April 21st) we are going to go on a little adventure every week, Lord willing. I think it will be a little harder in the new area we moved to because it is a small town with fewer of the types of “adventure” activities I would typically look for, so I’ll have to think outside the box a little more. But I’m excited! And each week I will blog about our adventure. They won’t be elaborate or expensive, but they will be wonderful because my four year old will definitely consider them to be adventures. 🙂
For a list of all the Adventure-a-Week Challenge posts so far, just click here.
What kinds of adventures do you like? Please post your thoughts and ideas in the comments, below!
(And anyone is welcome to join the challenge, as well! Be sure to send me your blog links if you do!)