Well, it’s time for the final post of the Adventure-a-Week Challenge! It’s been such a fun project over the last several weeks. You can see a list of all the Adventure-a-Week posts here.
(If you’re reading this in an email or reader and can’t see the video above, just click here .. the video is where the substance of this week’s challenge is! Plus there’s some new stop motion video, as well as the announcement for what the next challenge will be, now that the adventure challenge is over!)
Below, is the set of Bingo printables – I’ve created 6 Bingo sheets, all from our same festival alphabet finds, but scrambled into a different order for each sheet. Hand one out to each family member and start looking for the finds! Just like any Bingo – who ever crosses off five in a row first, yells “Bingo!” and wins. 🙂 All of the items just need to be spotted/found, not necessarily purchased. Most of the letters should be self-explanatory as shown in the video … but on “N”, new food just means anything you have never tried before. In my case, it was a deep fried Snickers. Om nom nom!
Just click the image below to access the free Festival Alphabet Bingo printables:
Thanks to Mike Mills (from the Knox Historical Museum who was giving free local history tours at the festival) and B Edward Pope (from bpopewoodturning who gave us lots of interesting information about his work) for both kindly letting me take your photos for our project! And thanks to Kevin MacLeod for the music.
Don’t forget about the upcoming new challenge as announced at the end of the video, and be sure to subscribe so you’ll be the first to know when the new challenge posts begin! 🙂 So what do you always look for at fairs and festivals?
Leave your thoughts and comments below, we love to hear from you!