The interesting thing about blogging is that as a blogger, people only know you as much as you reveal. The temptation, then, is to only reveal all the things about yourself that are flattering. You know, posting pictures of the house right before guests came over and everything is looking pristine … not pictures of the house on a regular weekday. Not that there is anything wrong with sharing those high, shining and lovely moments (and yes, a clean house would be a shining moment around here!), in fact, it can help and inspire others. But none of us have clean houses ALL the time (some of us more often that others) and none of us are perfect. You know the friends you have who know your quirks and foibles and how you’re trying to do well, but sometimes mess up? They don’t just know your posed picture smile. They know you squeak when you laugh, and remember that time you laughed so hard milk came out your nose. And those are the kind of friends we like to hang out with, because they know us … and like us anyway. 🙂
But as a blogger we never think to share that awkward squeak-laugh, and definitely don’t want a video of milk coming out of our noses going viral online. (the latter is probably good to avoid, truth be told.) But if we never share anything that is not glossy-magazine perfect, we’re not fooling anyone. We’re just being one dimensional. That is why we see so many things on the web reminding us to be “authentic”.
Now, does authentic mean I’m wallowing in my mistakes? Nope. My goal is to get better at the things I’m bad at … especially if it is a matter of right and wrong. As an example of a not right-or-wrong situation, though, I’ve put on some weight in the last several months. I hate it. I’m embarrassed to say it. (Although if you know me in real life, you’ve seen it.) Sharing that information doesn’t mean I’m proud of it … I’m trying to get rid of it. But I’m also admitting it’s not where I want it to be right now.
With all that said, I want this blog to be an authentic place. In person, I love to laugh – sometimes too hard (in high school my Dad nicknamed one of my overly-enthusiastic-mouth-open-way-too-wide-roaring-gasping laughs as “not a date laugh”) and I love to laugh with others … even if they are laughing at me. And so, I invite you to point and laugh as I point out some of my less-than-stellar skills .. don’t worry, I’m laughing too.
Last week, I put up a poll of potential blog post topics to see what people are most interested in reading here on my blog. (By the way, if you haven’t voted yet, please do!) Of course, all the topics listed there are lovely, happy topics that I feel I have something worthwhile to share about … true and real topics, yes, but all flattering topics, if you will. And so this week I’m going to share the titles of less-than-flattering topics I could post, for your amusement. (Don’t worry, these titles are *not* really going to be the upcoming reading list here on my blog *shudder*). So without further ado…
Being a Perfectionist. (To be posted once I get the post written perfectly) Product Photography in a Messy House: Fun with Cropping! Take a Trip: A Guide to the Worst Moments to Trip Over Your High Heels How to Misunderstand and/or Missppell Words with Embarrassing Consequences Disorganization: A How-To Guide. It’s Easy! A Guide to Natural Style: Looking Grumpy and Frizzy in the Morning Writer’s Block: Wallow with me! “Smother it in Nutella”, and other tips to help you gain weight Decorating with clean laundry! It’s easier than folding and putting it away! Easy Science Experiments: Fun with rancid leftovers and congealed milk Looking Stupid: How to Never Realize When People With Dry Humor are Joking Procrastination: A post I’ll write someday.
How do you feel about authentic blogging? Let me know in the comments!
( And, if you feel like it, you can share a blog post title from your own area of less-than-flattering expertise 🙂