Un-Recipe Apple Pie + the Best Crust EVER – The Flourishing Abode

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I don’t know who came up with the phrase “simple as pie”. Does that mean as simple as it is to make pie .. or as simple as it is to eat pie? Because the former is definitely not always easy … largely because of the fact that pie involves pie crust.

However, my friend Lindsey recently made some *amazing* pie crust that has absolutely changed my view on crusts. For one thing, pastry is usually finicky and you have to be really careful on how you handle it. But this was SO low maintenance, easy to roll out and work with – it simply amazed me. It was 3 oz. of cream cheese, a stick of butter, and 1 cup of flour. Let the cream cheese and the butter come to room temperature, then blend it all together. And it is ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. Best tasting and easiest crust ever, at least in my book. Talk about win/win. Although, I don’t think I can really claim it is healthy. 😉

Once you have a good crust, I’m sure you can think of a ton of types of pie fillings, but this time of year apple pie is just so fitting. I tend to not measure things (so when I share recipes on my blog, I have to go and cook it first and measure as I go so that I know how what info to give you!). This one, though, I’m calling an “un-recipe” because I’m not giving you any very detailed info, just a general idea. I made this at home and we loved it. The goal is pretty much to make the apple pie as apple-y as possible. I grated up apples, and put them in a skillet. Maybe a little butter and brown sugar, but largely for the gooey part, add apple juice or apple cider to the skillet of grated apples and let that simmer down and reduce. For spice and, of course, more apple, add generous dollops of apple butter. Of course you can add more spices if you wish, too. But the combination of apples, apple juice or apple cider, and apple butter made a delicious and very apple-y filling for the pie.

It’s especially good when made from apples you gathered yourself from going apple picking with your family, of course. 😉

What is your favorite kind of pie?

17-09-2012 April Starr food


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