Starting back up the “Truth & Evidences” Series – The Flourishing Abode

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Well, our timeline has definitely been a little different in Boston than I had expected, but I did mention wanting to start back up the Truth & Evidences series during October … and, hey, there are a couple hours left. 🙂

Since its been a couple months since I took a break from the series during the craziness of moving, this post will just be a recap, and then I’ll plan to continue this series every other Wednesday, Lord willing, as we were doing earlier.

The topic of this series of posts is a discussion of whether there is actual or absolute truth in religion, is there only one truth, or whether everything is just relative? Does faith need evidence? If there is truth, what is it? Is there actually a God? If so, how can we know who he is?

Here is what we have discussed in the posts from the series so far.
The first few posts were on whether there is absolute truth or not, and the role of faith:

1. Truth: Is it just a matter of faith?

2. Is there absolute truth?

3. Are some things false?

And the next posts were on some evidences to support faith in the existence of a deity:

4. Every Effect Has a Cause

5. The Problem of Nothing

6. Design Requires a Designer

7. The First Life

8. Macro-Evolution vs. Micro-Evolution

… and we’ll be continuing on evidences for the existence of deity, and then moving into the question of even if we accept that SOME deity exists, how can we know anything more specifically about that deity? I hope you’ll join me for the series, and as always, feel free to comment or contact me privately, as you wish. 🙂

31-10-2012 April Starr bible, truth and evidences


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