Join us in Boston for Bible Study! – The Flourishing Abode

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Usually on Wednesdays, I’ve been writing a series on Truth & Evidences, but I’m going to have to postpone that until the beginning of October. Until then, on Wednesdays I’ll probably offer some new Bible verse printables. But first I wanted to be sure and invite any of you who may be in the Boston area to come to Bible study – there is a small group meeting in the Union Gym and anyone is welcome to come! We are not part of any denomination, we are just a group of local Christians trying to follow the Bible, and to not add or take away from it. If you’re in Boston we would absolutely love for you to come visit us!

We meet on Sunday afternoons at 1:30 pm for Bible study and worship and also on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm at the Union Gym, which is right near the Boston Commons. The address is:
48 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116

If you’re driving, there is a parking garage right across the street (you can see the blue “P” sign in the above photo), and you can get your ticket verified at the gym so you won’t have to pay the full parking amount. Or, if you’re coming in on public transit (which is what we do), the gym is less than a block away from the Boylston stop on the green line of the T, or from the Chinatown stop on the orange line, or just a few blocks away from the Park Street stop on the red line. Here is what the gym looks like:

We meet in the “Aerobics Room”. Yeah, kinda funny, I know, but it works well. You don’t really need anything fancy to study the Bible anyway! So don’t expect anything showy, but you can expect to find God’s Word being taught and studied together. We would simply love to have any of you come by and join us for Bible study. Let me know if you have any questions or if you need any more information. If you’re in Boston, we’ll hope to see you there!

13-09-2012 April Starr bible


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