Some things just go together. Salt and pepper, Fred and Ginger, movies and popcorn, ninjas and pirates.
Ok, maybe that last one is more of a feud than a pairing.
But recently we discovered a food pairing so delicious, I don’t know why these two aren’t as inseparable as salt and pepper—- Steak and grilled onion.
Ohhhhhh, its SO good. I mean, at restaurants steak sauce is generally offered, but I really think there should always be grilled onion. Try it the next time you grill, and I think you’ll be hooked. Choose a very mild or sweet onion, like vidalias, and cut it in half, then quarter. Place right on the grill when you’re cooking the second side of the steak (or earlier, if its a thin cut – you want some nice charred edges and caramelization of the onion). Just be careful when you turn the onions over to not let the pieces slide though the grill into the fire.
If you cooked the onion long enough, it should be very mellow with just a little bite. Grab a big bite of the onion and the steak together.
Ah, I love the grilling time of year.
Yep, Tim’s pointing at you. What are some of your favorite food pairings? Tell me about it in the comments! 🙂
22-04-2011 April Starr food