What’s your best marketing tip? Get featured! – The Flourishing Abode

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I’ve been working on the final post of the Creative Biz Challenge on marketing for today – but I’ve just realized there is no way I’m going to be able to get it all finished in time and be able to do any sort of justice to the subject! So I’m going to postpone that post until Monday, Lord willing, and work on having it done for then.

BUT in the meantime, I thought this would be fun to do … share your ideas, and I might include your tips and give a shout-out to your shop in my post on Monday!

Especially if it has to do with off-line marketing. My approach to marketing is almost purely online, and I have a lot more I’m planning to share on that than I do on non-internet marketing. So share any marketing tips you want, and I may include a variety, but I’m especially looking for tips about not online marketing.

Sooo, share away! What marketing tips/techniques/ideas have you found successful? Leave them in the comments below – and make sure you leave a link to your shop, too! I can’t wait to see what you have to say. 🙂

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