Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Hello blog!

I am excited to be starting this new blog! A little about me … my first and foremost identity is as a Christian, to serve God. Next, I am a stay-at-home wife to my wonderful husband, and mother to my three year old daughter. I love to express my creative side in a variety of ways … I make jewelry from items that had a practical use in the past, I hunt for unique vintage finds, and I enjoy making illustrations. I also love to write, read and cook! This blog will probably be various and sundry bits of all … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more
