Let’s play a game! Next year’s WinterFest theme

WinterFest has a different theme each year.  This year it was Russia. We loved the theme ideas many of you posted – and for next year, we were inspired by the suggestion of Lori B from IMK,IML to think outside the box of theme by country.  We’ve already decided for next year, and I thought it would be fun to play a little game here to see if you can guess the theme! I’ve posted 8 pictures below, all tied into next year’s theme – and then the 9th image has the answer!  So, scroll down slowly and see how … Read more


Aaaand we’re back! (with a whole new look!)

Wow, what a summer! It all started off with the sudden decision to move out of state in a couple weeks, and morphed into a couple months of whirlwind busy-ness. There was even a literal whirlwind, too, when a tornado came a right by our apartment! As promised, I did a good bit of running around like a (happy) chicken with my head cut off. But now we are moved, and very much enjoying it here. We’ve still got a few boxes here and there, but for the most part, we’re settling back into “normal” and getting right at home.  … Read more


Happy WinterFest!

Tomorrow is WinterFest, so everything is bustling with cozy-winter happiness around the Starr home! WinterFest is our family’s celebration of all the things that make winter a special, beautiful and cozy time of year.  The holiday colors are ice blue, cranberry red, black and white (one of the reasons I love ElleMoss’s photo, above, is because it has three of the four colors!). Each year has a different theme, usually a country, and we celebrate in the style of that culture.  This year’s theme is Russia, so our kitchen will be filled with the aromas of Russian cooking and baking. … Read more


Category Archives: news

We are moving out of state – and pretty suddenly! Here’s the quick story: about a week ago we had no idea this would all be happening, and now in less than two weeks we will be living in Kentucky, Lord willing! So for a few weeks my shops and blog are going to be […] Also posted in exciting, exploring, moving, photography


Category Archives: exciting

We are moving out of state – and pretty suddenly! Here’s the quick story: about a week ago we had no idea this would all be happening, and now in less than two weeks we will be living in Kentucky, Lord willing! So for a few weeks my shops and blog are going to be […] Also posted in exploring, moving, news, photography


Category Archives: moving

We are moving out of state – and pretty suddenly! Here’s the quick story: about a week ago we had no idea this would all be happening, and now in less than two weeks we will be living in Kentucky, Lord willing! So for a few weeks my shops and blog are going to be […] Also posted in exciting, exploring, news, photography


Giveaway winner announced!

Well, my FlourishCafe giveaway ended last night at midnight .. thanks so much to all of you who entered! (I’m including something for all of you, whether you won or not, at the end of the post, so don’t miss it!) Using the random number generator at random.org, it picked 3 random comment numbers to be the winners. And the winners are … *drumroll please* Congratulations to the winners! 😀 For all the rest of you, even if you didn’t win, I want to offer you free shipping on your next purchase from my shop!  Just enter the code “FREESHIPPINGFLOURISH” … Read more


Category Archives: Uncategorized

Well, my FlourishCafe giveaway ended last night at midnight .. thanks so much to all of you who entered! (I’m including something for all of you, whether you won or not, at the end of the post, so don’t miss it!) Using the random number generator at random.org, it picked 3 random comment numbers to […] Posted in Uncategorized Every year I tell my husband I want to carve a pumpkin.  Then I go and get a pumpkin.  Last year, we even went to a farm, took a hayride out to the pumpkin patch and picked out the perfect pumpkins … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more


Celebrate the first anniversary of FlourishCafe!

Wow, a lot has changed over the past year for my little handmade business! One year ago yesterday, I opened FlourishCafe. At the time it was one of my three shops … With a Flourish, Flourish and Debonair, and Flourish Cafe. Now, one year later, I have finally found my niche, and have narrowed down to just Flourish Cafe! And to celebrate this first anniversary/birthday of my shop… it’s giveaway time! 😀 As well as more fun planned throughout the week here on my blog… If you used to keep up with this blog, you’ll notice it looks very different. … Read more
