See that bar right above here where it says “Blog”, “About Me”, etc.? I had seen lots of blogs had these handy stand alone pages, and I knew I wanted them on my blog (this was back when I was on Blogger). After a little poking around I discovered how to do it – its extremely easy, but the starting link is just not in a very obvious place.
Apparently I am not the only one who initially didn’t find it straight-forward – yesterday there was a request to explain how I did this. So here you go, Blogger users:
Go to the “Posting” page where you typically write a new post. Now look just under the tabs and you’ll see three options – New Post, Edit Posts, Edit Pages.
Click on “Edit Pages”. This will take you to the space where you can create/edit/post your pages. You can have up to 10 stand-alone pages in Blogger.
Click on “New Page”. Now you just write up your new page the same way you would write up a new post – same formatting/text box and everything. So simple! Whatever you put in the title is what will show up as the page’s name on your blog’s main page.
When you add a page, it will generally automatically add the pages widget. If it doesn’t for some reason, you can go in and add this widget on your “Design” tab page.
You can also choose whether you want the pages to be displayed across the top (like I have on my blog), or as a list on the side of your blog. Just drag and drop to widget on your design page to whichever place you want it to be.
The pages will be listed on your blog in the order you publish them, but if you want to rearrange them, just go back to the design page and click on the edit button of your pages widget.
There you can move the order around, or change the name of the “home” tab – for instance, I changed mine to say “Blog”. Click save and you’re done!
Hope that was helpful! Do you have any other blogging questions?Or any helpful blogging tips?
Let me know in the comments! 🙂