vintage – The Flourishing Abode

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I’ve been making some changes to The Flourishing Abode, to make it easier for you to use, and to help keep it running! I’m pretty excited about some of these changes, and so I wanted to share them with you. There’s a ton of great stuff I want to tell you about ranging from free classic vintage clothes, to a DIY gallery, to a exclusive deal for my readers, to milkweed kisses. Um, I guess you’ll have to read on to understand that last one.

‣‣‣ First (and this is just a small change, but might make it easier to navigate and find posts on certain subjects) there is a new “Categories” drop down menu over on the sidebar, just below the search bar. Basically, you choose any topic from the menu, and it will bring up a list of all posts on that topic! Handy. 🙂

‣‣‣ Second (and this is one I’m very excited about!), The Flourishing Abode now has sponsors! These lovely sites help me to be able to keep my blog running. You can see their links over on the sidebar, right below the “Sponsor” bar … obviously. 😉 But I thought this would be kind of fun – I went through each of their sites and decided to share a “you shouldn’t miss this” find from each site. So here you go!

If you love vintage clothing, you should definitely be aware that over on the “Dressed Her Days Vintage” blog, she is GIVING AWAY a series of gorgeous pieces from her vintage collection. (Hard to beat free and classy, eh?)

If you like the yellows in my blog design, then you shouldn’t miss the mustard scarf in the knit section on Neckstyles.
(I love yellow!)

If you love tea (like me!), then you should be sure to check out this lovely teapot pastels painting by Cynthia Haase Art.
(Mmm, tea….)

If you’d like a free pastry from Panera bread, and find out about other deals and coupons, then Frugal Living and Having Fun will be right up your alley.
(Panera pastry? Um, yes, please!)

If you’re looking for something simply beautiful and fresh, you should see this summery painting from Finnell Fine Art.
(“Old Garden Rose” … ahhhh.)

If you want to see something that just makes you feel cheery when you see it, then you should check out this adorable “fete” bunting embroidery by CatShyCrafts.
(Cuteness … to the max!)

If you like foxes and whimsy (and foxes have been so trendy lately!), you should see this lovely piece by Bettina’s Tree House. (Who wouldn’t want to kiss milkweed seeds after seeing that?)

If you enjoy things that smell good (and, I mean, who likes the alternative?) I’ll tell you I’ve bought from Gardenmis before and loved it … and these lavender map sachets are calling my name. (Sachets: “Apriiiil…”)

If you like vintage jewelry, then you should definitely see this beautiful vintage cameo pin from Vogel Haus Vintage.
(Unless I buy it first…)

If you like zebra print (fun!), then you should definitely see this zebra dinner set from Made 4 Home … and I have to say, it’s an awfully good price, too. (Hm, I should probably put some clever play on word about stripes here, but I’m drawing a blank. Check it out and suggest your own witty line.;)

(By the way, if you are interested in sponsoring The Flourishing Abode, you can check out the information here.)

‣‣‣ Third (and I’m also very excited about this one) – I’ve set up a visual gallery of all my DIY, how to, and tutorial posts! Do you see the light bulb icon right below my banner? Previously, that led to a fairly boring list of links. Now, though, after a weekend of designing and coding, it’s a visual gallery of projects! Here’s is a sneak peek of how it looks:

There are over 30 of my own original projects and how-to’s there – each picture links to the tutorial or tip post. I hope you’ll enjoy it, and find lots of fun projects and inspiration! 🙂 Click the light bulb under the banner … or just click here.

‣‣‣ Fourth (and last) – I’ve decided as a special thank-you to all my readers here on The Flourishing Abode, that each month this summer I’ll be picking one print from my FlourishCafe shop, and offering a ridiculous 50% off coupon here on my blog for that print for the entire month! Here is June’s print (it’s one of my favorites..):

Just use the coupon code FROMTHEABODE for 50% off this print, just for the rest of the month of June. (This coupon is valid ONLY for the “Tea is my cup of tea” poster, shown above, and ONLY in the month of June, 2012 – so snatch it up if you want it! Any other prints you wish to purchase must be bought in a separate transaction.)

So that’s the news and changes around here – I hope you’ve found some fun new things! Is there something you’d like to see here on my blog? Maybe a blog topic you’d be interested to read about? (I noticed recently that there were some searches on my blog for curly hair care … hm, maybe!)

Leave your thoughts and comments below – I do a little happy dance in my mind each time I get a new comment. 🙂


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