Seek the things above: Are we like the Bereans? – The Flourishing Abode

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For this week’s “Seek the things above” post, I want to pose some questions which I hope will be thought provoking.

Why do you believe what you believe? Is it because it is what you’ve always heard? What your culture commonly believes? What your parents taught you? What your preacher, priest or pastor told you? How do you know what they told you is true? Does the Bible tell us we’ll just get a feeling about it – or does the Bible teach us to study his Word to know his will?

What about the Bereans? When the apostle Paul went to Berea and started teaching in the synagogue, it says that they “were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Many of them therefore believed” (Acts 17:11-12 ESV)

Do we follow this example? Are we noble like them? Do we examine the scriptures daily to see if the things that are taught to us are so?

Are the people who teach us today infallible? Or is it possible to be taught error? Do we compare the things we are taught to the things God has said? Did God make his Word available to all? Do you have a Bible?

How often do you study it?


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