Boston Skyline Photograph by Elizabeth Thomas Photo
I’m really loving living in a city again. I love the busy-ness of a city, the variety of experiences. We explored Chinatown last week and tried some delicious new kinds of food … there was a strange bulbous brown thing on top of one of the dishes that turned out to be some sort of delicious marinated egg. Plus, I finally got to try bubble tea .. in mango, my favorite fruit!
Our little girl turned 5 within a few days of arriving in Boston, and her main present from us was that I told her that sometime soon I would get a day pass for the subway, and she and I would just ride all over the city exploring and riding the train together as much as she wants. She LOVES riding the train, so she was “a hundred, a thousand, infinity!” excited about this, to use her own words. We are planning to do that today. 🙂
Subway art photography by The BQE
There are always adjustments to be made, though, when moving from one area to another. There’s almost a culture change in some ways .. and then in other ways, it is more just logistics. For instance, realizing just how handy a messenger bag would be on the subway! Especially when we’re only our way to Bible study, and have Bibles and notebooks to carry and such. A briefcase … ehhh, not so much. So, we ordered a messenger bag.
Also, it is getting cooler here a LOT earlier than I expected. Which in one sense, I am looooving, because it already feels like fall, my favorite season. On the other hand, my warmer clothes are packed away and less accessible. While I was packing just a few weeks ago at the end of August in Kentucky, it felt like time for maxi dresses and white skirts and flip flops still had a long life to live – now, though, I’m craving jackets, light scarves and tights. I am so looking forward to the leaves changing – I’m sure I’ll be sharing pictures of that with you!
Large carry-all bag by HandmadeTherapy
Getting organized in a small space and with fewer belongings is also different. I can be organized when I NEED to be (for instance, in my craft biz), but organization does not come naturally to me. I’ve been reading Lori’s series over on In My Kitchen, In My Life, about “cerebral homemaking“, and it has definitely been a big help, and I hope to put more of her advice into practice, especially when we are a little more settled.
But in the end, I am just so tickled to be here. I keep squeezing Tim’s arm as we walk down the street near Boston Commons saying, “We are HERE!” We’ve been wanting to move here for so long, sometimes I forget that this isn’t just a visit – we have moved! And that our friends here, who have been SO kind and helpful during our move, are now our neighbors.
I feel so blessed.
Now I just need to find some shoes that aren’t flip-flops or high heels … that’s mostly what I have, and that’s not exactly great riding-the-subway-in-cold-weather material. 😉
Ballerina Shoes Photograph by magalerie
What about you? Do you like city life or country life?