home decor – 3/3 – The Flourishing Abode

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I recently went down to Georgia to pick up a dining room table that used to be my grandparents’ years ago.  I also got some neat items that were my great grandparents’, and some hymnals and other items that were my uncle’s.

So many neat things!

But my poor apartment is starting to get cluttered and I can’t properly appreciate the things like these that have and really love because there is a lot of just general “stuff” distracting and crowding. 

Knit Cotton Dishcloths by ImpossiblyAlice

SO! I am going into purge and clean mode! Simplify, donate and clean out.  Considering that we may be moving before too long, I’m looking at it this way – if I’m not willing to “pay” for space on the rental truck for an item, I’m not going to keep it.

And one of the perks of spring cleaning? Decorating!  Maybe if I get enough done and get rid of enough, I will treat myself to a small something-I-really-love from this treasury I made of decor from Etsy.  This is the feel I would like my home to have. (And can you tell I love maps??)


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