DIY Light Play: A fun break from packing – The Flourishing Abode

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Packing and getting ready to leave for our move to Boston on Saturday has, of course, been dominating our time lately. But a combination of two things – coming across some forgotten belongings, and the need to take breaks and have some family time – lead to the following fun discovery:

We found a handful of glow sticks, and Tim suggested this idea. We turned off the ceiling fan, activated the glow sticks, and taped a different colored stick to each blade. Then we turned off the lights and turned on the fan – it looked sooooo neat! It was interesting to try the fan at different speeds – the faster you make it go, the more the colors blur into each other, actually approaching white, and we actually used it as a night light when it was time for little one to go to bed.

Our little girl loved it, and it was quite mesmerizing to watch. We all laid on the floor and watched it and enjoyed a break from packing boxes for a little while. I thought it would be fun to share – especially for those of you who have kids. 🙂

Then, of course, it was time to get back to packing. Just like it’s time for me to get back to packing after writing this post!

What do you like to do when you take a break? Share your thoughts and comments below, I love to hear from you!

20-08-2012 April Starr family, travel, upcycling


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