Huzzah! Free 2012 resolutions printable – The Flourishing Abode

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Well, the FlourishCafe birthday celebration continues with a free printable!  I actually opened shop last year on New Year’s Day, which is a common day to start things, resolve things, set new goals – a day for beginnings.

Chances are, you set some resolutions 4 days ago this year as well.  How are they coming? How will you be doing on them at the end of the month? What about in July?  Often, New Year resolutions get dropped almost as fast as a porcupine mistaken for a pillow.

I heard it said recently that written goals are the real goals- unwritten goals are called hopes and dreams.  Hopes and dreams are much less likely to be followed up on than actual goals.

So in that spirit, I’ve made up a free 2012 printable resolution sheet – write those resolutions down! Post them where you will see them. Don’t let them float away as unwritten hopes, put them on paper, and stick to them!

Just click on the image below to be taken to the PDF file of the printable. Write those resolutions down!

So what are some of your resolutions this year? Tell me about them in the comments below!

(Psst! Don’t forget to enter my art giveaway .. it ends Friday! )

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