Well, I’ll be perfectly honest – I’m going to be stepping on my own toes for this week’s “Seek the things above” post. It’s about want vs. need. I wish I had more of the attitude expressed here in Proverbs 30: give me only what I NEED. I’m more fond of wants and comforts than […]
Also posted in printables, seek the things above
So, we’re continuing on in the “Seek the things above” series for Wednesdays … and actually, this time delving into a verse I mentioned last week, but as one of the comments from that post was mentioning an interest in a printable of this verse, I wanted to dive into it a little more. Luke […]
Also posted in printables, seek the things above
Happy Wednesday, all! 🙂 Continuing on this week in the “Seek the things above” Wednesdays series of posts … with thoughts on the soul this week. Sometimes we hear fictional stories in which someone “sold their soul to the devil” … usually a red-caped pitchfork-bearing figure offering someone a legal document and haggling over price. […]
Also posted in printables, seek the things above
Well, in continuing the Wednesday “Seek the things above” series, I’ve had a section of free Bible verse printables up near the top of my page for a while now, but I realized I’ve never really mentioned it here in my posts! I just updated it today, changing some things around, and adding some new […]
Also posted in home decor, printables, seek the things above
This past weekend was soooo wonderful! I found out (kind of last minute) about a Christian ladies retreat happening just a couple hours away from me, and I so craved to go. A couple friends were coming down from Boston to speak, which is how I heard about it, but I thought I had found […]
Also posted in seek the things above
As I mentioned in my launch post on Monday, I’m planning to continue my “Seek the things above” series on Wednesdays, which I started last week. I generally read my Bible everyday, but I’m trying to do better about spending more time actually *studying* my Bible, not just reading it. Writing these posts will be […]
Also posted in seek the things above
We were discussing this verse the other day, and it really struck home. Life is busy, and there are always so many things to capture our attention. And while there is nothing wrong with doing our jobs, fulfilling our responsibilities, or even enjoying the lovely things in this world, if we get so caught up […]
Also posted in printables, seek the things above
Wow, has this week been crazy. A couple weeks ago my well-loved car broke down. *sniffs* The hood started smoking, we pulled over, and as my husband, Tim, inspected everything and saw that the oil was milky – the engine block was broken. Traffic Cones by Vince Mig Poor Linus. (that was my car’s name. […]
Posted in bible
Do you ever feel like you have so many activities going on in your life and so many possessions that they’re getting in the way of doing what you really want to do – and what you really need to do? Do you ever feel like you’re putting in a lot of effort – but […]
Also posted in motivational
As harsh icy weather slams much of the country here in the doldrums of winter, its easy to get hit with cabin fever! So here are a few photos I took at the local university gardens (back when it was warm) to cheer your day. You know, I am very thankful that God made seasons. […]
Posted in bible