I tend to like quizzes and discussions that analyze your personality, so when I came across this quiz about your creative style linked on Mayi Carles’ Heartmade Blog, I just had to click! The quiz is from Psychologies Magazine, which I was not familiar with until coming across this quiz.

It was pretty much right on for me, saying that my creativity is a release, and that its a very basic part of who I am. One bit that I thought was especially fitting was that using my creativity in everyday aspects of my life whether going on a picnic, singing to the baby, or choosing what to wear is a big part of my creative style. Sooooo true! I love trying to take creative approaches in all sorts of everyday areas! This is exactly why I like to experiment in the kitchen!

Take the quiz here!
And then come back and tell me in the comments if the results were fitting for you or not! :)