A photo I took today: Memorial Day

Memorial Day is more than just a day for car dealerships to have sales and for the rest of us to have a day off and eat hamburgers. We enjoy so many freedoms in our country, but those freedoms have come at a cost.

Our generation, I think, often has an entitlement attitude, that we are owed comfort and prosperity, but these things which we enjoy in our country have come with a heavy price from others. The freedoms we enjoy, the safety of a powerful nation, the stability of our economy (sure, we have recessions and such, but take a look at other places like Zimbabwe right now, and it’ll put a different perspective on what we consider “hard times”) – many soldiers have given everything to make our country what it is today. I am thankful for our freedom, and I am thankful to the service men and women who have sacrificed for the rest of us and remember them, especially today.

I hope you took some time out of your day to remember them as well. :)

What freedoms are you thankful for especially?
Personally, I am especially grateful for the freedom of religion.
Let me know in the comments what you are thankful for, and how you remembered our soldiers today!